Today’s lessons include several instances of God calling us to follow. Our Gospel lesson shows four fishermen being called by Jesus, whereupon they immediately drop their nets, abandon Zebedee, and follow Jesus. We don’t have any evidence that the disciples knew what they were being called to: they were rough tradesmen who regularly misunderstood the mission of Jesus, let him down, abandoned him. And Judas betrayed him! Would we do any better? ARE we doing any better??? But do WE know what we are being called to, as individuals and as a church? Do we think what we already “do” is fully responding to God’s call? Jesus responded to the problems of his time by feeding, healing, calling out the wrongs of the day, and caring for people. What about us in today’s world? Are we responding to the problems in our world – problems like the destruction of the planet, poverty, racism, wars – as Jesus did? We are called to re-think our priorities, we are called to examine our own personal idols (how we spend our time and our money), in the light of what Jesus is asking us to do, and what he showed us by his example. We must repent of our inaction, and re-invigorate our faith, while we acknowledge that we will NOT know exactly what we are being called to, or what that means in terms of costs. The journey to obedience and faith begins with just one step. And then another. It’s not just a simple statement of faith – it’s a lifetime of stumbling, failing, and re-starting. Jesus is calling us to a WHOLE NEW IDENTITY as Christians that will drive us to holy action. When we respond to God’s call, we are transformed – we are different people. And when we allow God to make this transformation, we are part of the God’s Kingdom in our present reality – God’s Holy Dream, both now and yet to be.